An old-school Nintendo fanboy's dream...
Lie to you not, if this was put out as a regular game for the NES, I would have bought it. I would've bought it for the same price as a 360 game. This isn't just a parody game... This is a parody with style and just about infinite playability. The medals are creative, the gameplay is solid, to see Urban Champion on here was a laugh for me... Not because of the fact that it's a bad game because it's not, but because the poor little guy could do nothing to Abobo. Fatality? Yes. Just yes. The Quickman stage? Hated that stage when I had first played it on Megaman Anniversary Collection but to see the lasers be different guns(I swear I saw the Zapper) was actually pretty funny and a Terminator reference as well... Why can't you put up 100 stars, Newgrounds? That's what this game deserves. Oh and the hints to get the medals are in-game as well. Even the secret medals. THIS GAME NEEDS TO BE DOWNLOADABLE! D: